Thursday, March 10, 2011

Omega 3 Fish Oil

I found this article on  It provides a nice summary of the importance of Omega 3 from Fish Oil.

I am taking fish oil supplements.  I find that I do better when I take supplements before I go to bed.  I take most of my vitamins and supplements then because I tend to have an upset stomach from any supplements and I would rather sleep through that.  

A Balance Of Fatty Acids

We need fats. But we need the right kind. 

Our diets have changed. Our ancestors had diets with a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of about 2:1. Today the ratio is closer to 30:1. Why? Because we are now eating foods high in omega-6 such as…
  • cereal
  • bread
  • crackers
  • cakes
  • cookies
And in an attempt to reduce cholesterol we have replaced saturated fats with things like corn and safflower oils which are high in omega-6. And we are not eating foods rich in omega-3 such as…
  • dark, leafy greens
  • flaxseed
  • walnuts
  • oily fish
Most of us who eat fish choose white meat species like cod and haddock which are low in omega-3. And the farm raised versions of the healthy varieties do not have near the omega-3 content as ocean born fish.
This is a crisis that most of us don't hear much about.
Most of us know about the dangers of eating foods high in saturated and trans fats. But we may not be aware of the dangers of an omega-6/omega-3 imbalance. Dangers such as…
  • increased blood clotting which leads to heart attack and stroke
  • suppression of the immune system leaving us more open to infection
  • increased cellular growth thereby promoting the growth of cancer cells
  • creation of new blood vessels which can feed cancer cells
Now, slow down and read that list again.
Fatty acid imbalance has a hand in all these conditions. Stop for a moment and reflect upon this. We are putting ourselves at undue risk. The problems associated with fatty acid imbalance are serious. Yet the solution is relatively simple. We must reduce our intake of omega-6 fatty acids. But also… 

We Must Increase Our Consumption Of Omega-3

By getting more omega-3 fatty acids we can counteract the imbalance between too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. One solution is to… 

Eat more ocean-born, cold-water, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. 

Take A High Quality Fish Oil Supplement Rich In EPA And DHA.

We can strike a balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3 intake by getting more Omega-3. 

A good fish oil supplement is an easy way to increase your intake of omega-3. But notice I said… "Good". Many fish oil supplements on the market boast high concentrations of fish oils. But the fine print tells you that the main fish oils in the supplement are fillers.
We take fish oil supplements to get more omega-3 (EPA and DHA).
Nothing else. We don't want filler oils that are the result of lazy extraction methods. They do nothing good for us. They can…
  • Upset your stomach
  • Keep you running to the bathroom
  • Produce a fishy after taste
  • Be the carrier of ocean born poisons like mercury and lead
What you need is a high quality supplement that…
  • Does not include filler fish oils
  • Has little or no fishy taste
  • Has the best (2:1) ratio of EPA to DHA
  • Has no marine pollutants like mercury and lead
  • Is produced by a company known for its research

work out dvd's

I am in love with the work out dvd's that I have right now.  I have enough to switch it up so that some days I am doing 25 minutes and other days an hour.  I try to work out 5-6 days a week and use weights or push ups most days.  My goal is 50 push ups a day...doesn't always happen...but, I can now do 20 at  a time.  I usually listen to a BYU devotional while I work out, so, I have to say that honestly, I have never even listened to any of these trainers.  Maybe someday I will actually listen to what they are saying.  I just do the workout and be done with my day. I don't think that I could ever be a gym girl.  I like to do workouts on my schedule and at home seems to work better for me than going somewhere.  I find that I really do work out and work out hard enough at home--so-- for me, the $10 dvd is a great option.

Billy and I have been working out now for a decade.  I like the energy of the video and I like that it keeps me pushing.   I have been using a new one lately that I like.  I think I must have 10-12 TAEB) workouts though


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the shred workout.  It's hard but it's short enough to make it possible to do daily.  I jump around between the levels so that I keep it interesting.

this one is AMAZING!  I have to try to keep the grimace off of my face every time I take a step for the next two days-- it's a whole body work out but he sneaks so much legs in there, it's impressive!!