I have made so little progress over the last four months to deem it as a wash. I have continued working out, I have maintained all of the fitness gains that I tracked at the beginning, but I have not continued to lose I am a good 10lbs and about 6-8 inches (if I were to add up all of the different measurements across my body) from where I would like to land, but, I am not seemingly making progress right now.
I went to the Dr and the nurse told me that I had lost 19 lbs in the past year. I had no idea that I had lost that much. I felt better and all of my clothes fit me better, some are too big, but, for the most part, I am just fitting the clothes that I haven't worn for awhile. I had gone to the Dr. initially a year ago when I was feeling bloated, hormonal etc. A lot of the weight had to be from the bloated feeling that I had. Going off of grains has really helped me move past that feeling. The bad news was that, even though I asked her to just tell me how much I had lost, she also told me how much I weigh. Even though I have lost a LOT of weight in one year, I am still more than 10 lbs above what I thought I was. I am shocked to find out that I weighed this much, let alone that I used to weigh 19 lbs more than this!!
I got rid of a scale about 3 years ago because I was letting my weight run my self- esteem. I had to move away from that. I had all sorts of hormonal issues that were resulting in retention of water, or I don't know what but I was just puffier. I was still working out a lot and eating healthy, but, there was nothing that I could do that would impact my weight loss. I worked out more, ate less, ate whole foods, tried and tried. Nothing was making much difference. I decided that I had to just be happy about me and be grateful for a basically healthy body. I had to work on my self-esteem and break it away from my weight. I have done that for the most part, and, I have just gauged my fitness level by my exercise and food choices and let it be...
The paleo thing and changing up my workout routines made a significant difference. 19 lbs of difference. Now I am stuck again. I have not progressed for 4 months. I have also not gone backwards. That's the good news. I am feeling strong and my food choices are making a big difference in my energy level and in my moods. I put dairy back in because dairy has been a good and major source of my protien for many years, and, if I can use dairy protein in my diet, I prefer to.
I have a new concerted effort going over the past 3 weeks and, I am feeling stronger and more fit, but I have not weighed myself. I am not seeing much change in my clothes though, so, I don't imagine that I have lost. Not discouraged though-- I am going to keep going with my plan.
I have stayed off of gluten products, and have very few grains of any sort in my diet. I have gone back on dairy, but mostly just the cottage cheese and greek yogurt. I have been really careful about my sugar intake and reduced it again. It's not perfect, but, I am, frankly pretty impressed with my control on this one:)
I started a new circuit training program with 10 exercises with weights at 30 reps per exercise. Most of the exercises are upper body and then squats are added to them. It comes from the book that is titles something like "Look 10 years younger" or something like that. The diet that she advocates in it is really close to the paleo one but it has you gradually add back in dairy and some grains. I was already following the diet part pretty successfully so have pretty much just added the weight routine. I was seeing some progress with the weight routine and have a little bit of discernible muscle toning but didn't feel like i was getting enough out of it to see overall progress, so, I added jump rope. At first, I was putting in about 5 minutes in between weight sets (one minute or 100 jumps each interval). But, the last week, I decided to jump after each weight exercise, so, I am doing 1,000 jumps a day or 10 minutes during my workout. I forgot how much I love the jump rope. It is such a good overall workout. It has really bumped up my workout and I feel good and strong after the workout. I will keep on doing the other exercise videos and mix them in a few times a week to change up the routine, but I think that I will do Tae Bo addition to the jump rope and weights work out. I need to add yoga just to make sure I am stretching out enough.
I watch the BYU devotionals when I work out, so I feel like I can justify putting 40 minutes each morning to the workout and am getting a spiritual lift as well. This double hit in the mornings starts off my attitude and my day with strength both physically and spiritually. Whenever I watch the devotionals, I always find that there is something during the day or within a few days that is directly related to what I learned or thought about as a result of the devotional. It is blessing my life to have this as a beginning of my day.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Omega 3 Fish Oil
I found this article on http://www.optimal-heart-health.com/Nutrilite_Omega3.html It provides a nice summary of the importance of Omega 3 from Fish Oil.
I am taking fish oil supplements. I find that I do better when I take supplements before I go to bed. I take most of my vitamins and supplements then because I tend to have an upset stomach from any supplements and I would rather sleep through that.
A Balance Of Fatty Acids
We need fats. But we need the right kind.
Our diets have changed. Our ancestors had diets with a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of about 2:1. Today the ratio is closer to 30:1. Why? Because we are now eating foods high in omega-6 such as…
- cereal
- bread
- crackers
- cakes
- cookies
- dark, leafy greens
- flaxseed
- walnuts
- oily fish
This is a crisis that most of us don't hear much about.Most of us know about the dangers of eating foods high in saturated and trans fats. But we may not be aware of the dangers of an omega-6/omega-3 imbalance. Dangers such as…
- increased blood clotting which leads to heart attack and stroke
- suppression of the immune system leaving us more open to infection
- increased cellular growth thereby promoting the growth of cancer cells
- creation of new blood vessels which can feed cancer cells
Now, slow down and read that list again.Fatty acid imbalance has a hand in all these conditions. Stop for a moment and reflect upon this. We are putting ourselves at undue risk. The problems associated with fatty acid imbalance are serious. Yet the solution is relatively simple. We must reduce our intake of omega-6 fatty acids. But also…
We Must Increase Our Consumption Of Omega-3
By getting more omega-3 fatty acids we can counteract the imbalance between too much omega-6 and too little omega-3. One solution is to…
Eat more ocean-born, cold-water, fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines.
Take A High Quality Fish Oil Supplement Rich In EPA And DHA.
We can strike a balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3 intake by getting more Omega-3.
A good fish oil supplement is an easy way to increase your intake of omega-3. But notice I said… "Good". Many fish oil supplements on the market boast high concentrations of fish oils. But the fine print tells you that the main fish oils in the supplement are fillers.
We take fish oil supplements to get more omega-3 (EPA and DHA).Nothing else. We don't want filler oils that are the result of lazy extraction methods. They do nothing good for us. They can…
- Upset your stomach
- Keep you running to the bathroom
- Produce a fishy after taste
- Be the carrier of ocean born poisons like mercury and lead
- Does not include filler fish oils
- Has little or no fishy taste
- Has the best (2:1) ratio of EPA to DHA
- Has no marine pollutants like mercury and lead
- Is produced by a company known for its research
work out dvd's
this one is AMAZING! I have to try to keep the grimace off of my face every time I take a step for the next two days-- it's a whole body work out but he sneaks so much legs in there, it's impressive!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
grains, dairy and sugar
I have been off grains and dairy for almost three months now. I am amazed at how much better I feel. I don't have that bloated feeling and my stomach just simply doesn't hurt after I eat. I don't think I even noticed that my stomach hurt after I ate certain foods until I stopped eating them.
I have cut back on sugars. I can't say that I am off sugar. I typically have 10-15 choc. chips a day and I will get a Sees or take a few bites of a dessert here and there. I ate a cookie the other day and realized that I hadn't eaten a cookie in a month or so (aside from a fingerfull of cookie dough now and again). The thing that is shocking to me is how fast I get a headache when I eat sugar. I have suffered headaches all my life. Every day, I have a headache. Well, I don't have a headache every day when I don't eat sugar. I still have headaches a few times a week, but, only when I am not getting enough sleep or when I have had a real dose of sugar.
I have lost weight, and inches, I don't have a scale, but the clothes in my closet all fit me. I feel better in them and I am down a whole size. I would like to take off a few more inches from my waist. I am trying to fit back into the dress that I wore to Allison's wedding (a day before my wedding). I can wear it but it is a little tight around the torso right now and I don't think it was the least bit tight when I bought it. I am hoping to be in the dress well before Alan comes home for a break. We shall see....
I have cut back on sugars. I can't say that I am off sugar. I typically have 10-15 choc. chips a day and I will get a Sees or take a few bites of a dessert here and there. I ate a cookie the other day and realized that I hadn't eaten a cookie in a month or so (aside from a fingerfull of cookie dough now and again). The thing that is shocking to me is how fast I get a headache when I eat sugar. I have suffered headaches all my life. Every day, I have a headache. Well, I don't have a headache every day when I don't eat sugar. I still have headaches a few times a week, but, only when I am not getting enough sleep or when I have had a real dose of sugar.
I have lost weight, and inches, I don't have a scale, but the clothes in my closet all fit me. I feel better in them and I am down a whole size. I would like to take off a few more inches from my waist. I am trying to fit back into the dress that I wore to Allison's wedding (a day before my wedding). I can wear it but it is a little tight around the torso right now and I don't think it was the least bit tight when I bought it. I am hoping to be in the dress well before Alan comes home for a break. We shall see....
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