I have been off grains and dairy for almost three months now. I am amazed at how much better I feel. I don't have that bloated feeling and my stomach just simply doesn't hurt after I eat. I don't think I even noticed that my stomach hurt after I ate certain foods until I stopped eating them.
I have cut back on sugars. I can't say that I am off sugar. I typically have 10-15 choc. chips a day and I will get a Sees or take a few bites of a dessert here and there. I ate a cookie the other day and realized that I hadn't eaten a cookie in a month or so (aside from a fingerfull of cookie dough now and again). The thing that is shocking to me is how fast I get a headache when I eat sugar. I have suffered headaches all my life. Every day, I have a headache. Well, I don't have a headache every day when I don't eat sugar. I still have headaches a few times a week, but, only when I am not getting enough sleep or when I have had a real dose of sugar.
I have lost weight, and inches, I don't have a scale, but the clothes in my closet all fit me. I feel better in them and I am down a whole size. I would like to take off a few more inches from my waist. I am trying to fit back into the dress that I wore to Allison's wedding (a day before my wedding). I can wear it but it is a little tight around the torso right now and I don't think it was the least bit tight when I bought it. I am hoping to be in the dress well before Alan comes home for a break. We shall see....